The hardest part of transitions

May not be what you think

The hardest part is not planning ahead, sitting with uncertainty, or facing your fears. It is simply being present. It's another tension of opposites. We plan ahead towards the future, which we must, as we stay present to our current circumstances and the people around us.

Personally, I struggle with this. It's easy for me to plan ahead, prepare all the necessary steps, and look forward towards the excitement newness brings. It's hard for me just be with my current environment and people around me. It's also easier for me to say hello, then goodbye.

My challenge

Is to stay present. Especially, as I plan for my next big move. I want to stay present to my family and friends who won't move with me. I am challenging myself to express and practice gratitude for these moments and in so doing, cherish them a little more.

My mindfulness practice is staying present to my feelings and surroundings as I hold both- my present and my anticipated future. I am grateful for both.

My work

Yoojin Nam LMFT is the author of Thinking to Feel. He has been providing psychotherapy for 7 years and is licensed to practice in CA & TX.

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Disclaimer: These posts are not a replacement for therapy. The information contained within is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be therapeutic advice.